Monday, August 17, 2009

1st Day of School!

Ack! Here we are already! Generally we slide back into school.... because we generally don't really stop lol. I gave up this summer and just let the rest go. I didn't even do a read aloud this summer. We just played, we swam, visited friends, and a few folks went to some day camps.

I really worked hard the past month to map out our school. I PLANNED! I wrote them down *gasp* I have a road map for where we are going this year. I have never done it like this before.

In the past I would plan 1-2weeks at a time and just follow our workbooks and loosely follow the MODG Syllabus. Then something bright and shiny (typically on the 4Real boards) would catch my eye and off I would go willy- nilly. Consistency and order are not my strong suit.

One thing I noticed when I was making my plans was how nice MODG's plans are. They are not fussy or cluttered (like mine usually are). They provide ORDER with out being overwhelming. You can easily substitute one thing for another- it's magic!

Why did I not see this before? Why does it take me forever to see what I should do? Why must I over think and complicate every thing?

I think part of that answer is that I always wanted the lesson plans I bought to talk to me. Now I know that sounds funny but I did. CHC's lesson plans do that. Aesthetically they are lovely. They encourage mother right along with the child. I couldn't hold to CHC's plans because my kids weren't at the same reading level and I tended to wander.... so MODG's plans are a better fit for me because they provide a durable frame-work and allow for my late readers as well as my early readers (although I do keep CHC's plans on hand for all the fun stuff).

OK so my post has gotten completely off topic. And it's time for me to wake children and dress myself, so we might begin school by 8am arrrrrghhhhh! (can you here my children crying?)

I will report back and let you know how things go.... bwaaaaahaaahaaahaa!

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