Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 34 check in

So I'm 34 weeks according to my (mildly inaccurate) EDD.  I have been having weekly bio physical ultrasounds to check the girls heart rate, organs  (stomach & kidneys), and their breathing.  Apparently, the tech scores these and each time the girls have gotten a perfect score, whoo hoo!

I won't lie, it is nice to see the girls every week and know they are doing so well. However, laying on my back with the tech bouncing my belly to get a twin to practice her breathing, really hurts. I am toast after these visits.  I have to lay down as soon as I get home because it hurts.  I am also very sore the next day and really need to take it easy. I am going to make sure I have a crock pot meal that the kids can finish for me on those days.  If you think about it I only have maybe 3-5 more scheduled visits in my future (maybe less) WHOA!

Right now I need to concentrate on small nesting tasks- get car seats (friends are passing these on to me, but we are quickly approaching needing them.  I also have two swings I need to collect. I should order the Twin My Breast Friend Nursing pillow too. Oh ya, there is the matter of finishing the little baby hat I'm knitting...

Around the house- 
Once again, I'm not gonna lie, it's a mess.  Truly this situation is driving me nuts. My kids are really good about cleaning up, but dh tore up old carpet in a bedroom and I can't declutter the contents of said bedroom *sigh*.  The kids are doing a great job of keeping the kitchen clean and  moving laundry. In a large family those are the most important things to take care of.

 It is not going as well as I had hoped, but not bad. Everybody is getting math done.  Big kids are getting science, speech, and personal finance done; but they need to get their reading/ history done. The younger set need spelling more read aloud time.

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