Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 34 check in

So I'm 34 weeks according to my (mildly inaccurate) EDD.  I have been having weekly bio physical ultrasounds to check the girls heart rate, organs  (stomach & kidneys), and their breathing.  Apparently, the tech scores these and each time the girls have gotten a perfect score, whoo hoo!

I won't lie, it is nice to see the girls every week and know they are doing so well. However, laying on my back with the tech bouncing my belly to get a twin to practice her breathing, really hurts. I am toast after these visits.  I have to lay down as soon as I get home because it hurts.  I am also very sore the next day and really need to take it easy. I am going to make sure I have a crock pot meal that the kids can finish for me on those days.  If you think about it I only have maybe 3-5 more scheduled visits in my future (maybe less) WHOA!

Right now I need to concentrate on small nesting tasks- get car seats (friends are passing these on to me, but we are quickly approaching needing them.  I also have two swings I need to collect. I should order the Twin My Breast Friend Nursing pillow too. Oh ya, there is the matter of finishing the little baby hat I'm knitting...

Around the house- 
Once again, I'm not gonna lie, it's a mess.  Truly this situation is driving me nuts. My kids are really good about cleaning up, but dh tore up old carpet in a bedroom and I can't declutter the contents of said bedroom *sigh*.  The kids are doing a great job of keeping the kitchen clean and  moving laundry. In a large family those are the most important things to take care of.

 It is not going as well as I had hoped, but not bad. Everybody is getting math done.  Big kids are getting science, speech, and personal finance done; but they need to get their reading/ history done. The younger set need spelling more read aloud time.

Monday, October 13, 2014

I've got a joke for you...

So, a lady walks into her OB's office, 28wks and pregnant with her 8th child....  Her doc tells her it's TWINS!!!!!!
That's right, twins, and thanks to health insurance woes I had no idea until 28wks. It was probably for the best, lol!  Thankfully I know how to be pregnant, and the girls are great (yes, TWIN GIRLS).

So, I thought I would do a little FAQ of the questions I have been getting in real life. I figure that maybe, some of this will be helpful for another mama (possibly of many) who finds herself with older children and expecting twins.

Do twins run in your family?
  Not on my side.  I figure this is my "Welcome to 40" gift package.

What do the children think?
   They are soooo excited! Yes, even my teens are thrilled.  Before I was pregnant my 16yr old ds was asking when we would have another.  Apparently, twins is even better.

What does your husband think?
   It was his idea.  Seriously, my reaction and his reaction was the same;  uncontrollable laughter. We laughed and laughed.

Did you want twins?
   Ummm, no. Well, maybe in some alternate reality.  I am thrilled to be having twins, though.

Did you know you were pregnant with twins before you went to the doctor?
   No, but, I had really bad morning sickness.  It was all day, and very intense; though I did not throw up (because I am stubborn like that).  I also gained weight really quickly;  that was my first tip off that I was pregnant- 5lb gain in the 1st few weeks!  Then right before I went to my first OB apt. I saw myself in the mirror and thought, "Woah! I'm really big, maybe it is twins." (all my friends, who have had twins assured me I was not!)

So that's what I've got for now. I hope to update as things move along. I did a ton of Internet research and found very few blogs of large/ largish families expecting or having twins (they are probably just to overwhelmed, lol).  I did find one by a very nice lady at  They have 9 dc too, and had twin girls at the end. She has good organizational info!
